Come Away And...Rest
 Mark 6:31

Most pastors are managing family life with the demands of pastoral care, which usually comes with an unending stream of requests and responsibilities.

Pastors Joe & Vicki Braucht

Founders - The Resting Place

Our Story

Ministry, like every other occupation, has its ups and downs...its discouragements and excitements. But being a pastor is unique. As a minister, your heart, soul, mind, and body are given over to caring for others. You get intimately involved in the lives of those you serve. And it’s that involvement which can cause both blessing and fatigue.

Vicki and I started in Youth ministry in 1982, and took Senior Leadership of our first church in 1986. I was young, had lots of vision and drive. We pretty much went non-stop except for a week-long vacation here and there until November of 2010. I found myself crying uncontrollably in my private restroom. I knew something was broken inside and I remember lifting my hands and crying out to my Lord. I FELT LIKE A DEAD MAN RUNNING. That incident began a 5-year journey, a season of exhaustion, burnout, and re-adjusting that would radically change my lifestyle, my goals, my values and even adjust my calling. I was able to get back in touch with my life, get back to proper balance, and allow God to re-energize my spirit in a way that propelled me forward to greater levels of service. That is how “THE RESTING PLACE” was birthed.

Are you leading on empty, or do you know a Pastor or Ministry Leader who is overwhelmed by the demands of ministry? The Resting Place is here to help. Please, take advantage of The Resting Place early on and avoid burnout altogether.

- Pastors Joe & Vicki Braucht

No matter what Ministry Leaders are going through, The Resting Place wants to be there for them and their families.

How The Resting Place
Can Help

Our goal is to equip and prepare you to be able to deal with issues that will undoubtably arise. Use us, our tools, and our resources as preventative care to avoid the pitfalls inevitably associated with ministry.

  • Crisis Care
  • Mentoring
  • Listening
  • Prayer
  • Referrals
  • Resources
  • Retreats / Getaways
  • Seminars & Workshops
  • Personal Coaching

Get Your Rest

Are you a Pastor, Fulltime Ministry Leader, or a Missionary who is feeling weary, burnt out, or ready to quit? Or maybe you personally know a Pastor who needs to get away and rest. We are here to help. Fill our our contact form and we will connect with you, and walk you through the process of informing your congretation of the importance of taking an extended sabbatical, and visiting The Resting Place.